Reducing the carbon footprint of 140 million containers
and boost their turnaround rate

Our project

Construction in Alsace (France) of the Proof of Concept of the ADMCS© eco-responsible port infra­struc­tures (eco-terminals), low-carbon and inte­gra­ted into the peri-urban envi­ron­ment, deployable eve­ryw­here in the world, and pilo­ted by its Container Flow Management sys­tem.

The goal of ADMCS©: to pro­vide a solu­tion to all sta­ke­hol­ders, to trans­port each contai­ner in the shor­test pos­sible time over the entire mul­ti­mo­dal logis­tics chain by kee­ping it in constant motion.

This chal­lenge can only be met by mobi­li­sing and com­bi­ning the most advan­ced tech­no­lo­gies of the moment, such as blo­ck­chain, IoT and AI.

The contai­ner trans­port sec­tor has been in exis­tence for just over half a cen­tu­ry and is hea­ding towards a major eco-responsible revo­lu­tion. It is a moving contai­ner that creates the most value as its car­bon impact is minimised.



The team

Advisors Administrators


Our partners


June 2014

Birth of the dry ter­mi­nal idea and sup­ply chain mana­ge­ment soft­ware

November 2014 to June 2016

Travel to Europe Visit of sup­ply chain sta­ke­hol­ders

June 2016

Idea of an eco-terminal

May 2017

Beginning of fun­drai­sing

June 2017

Love Money Fundraising €370K

June 2017

Registration of intel­lec­tual pro­per­ty copy­right

September 2017

“Solid” Meeting (Blockchain)

December 2017

Love Money Fundraising €40K


Fundraising and imple­men­ta­tion of all stu­dies to vali­date eco-terminal pro­jects and sup­ply chain mana­ge­ment soft­ware

December 2018

Fundraising €255K

January 2019 to June 2019

Establishment of func­tio­nal spe­ci­fi­ca­tions for the soft­ware with ITS Future (Socomec Group)

July 2019

Love Money Fundraising €170K

Time 0


20th month

Construction of the first dry eco-terminal

23rd month

Construction of the second dry eco-terminal, spe­cia­li­zed in contai­ner repair and equip­ment

24rd month

Launch of the ADMCS© mul­ti­mo­dal soft­ware

30th month

Construction of the first dry rail eco-terminal and com­mis­sio­ning

36th month

Construction of the first dedi­ca­ted dry rail eco-terminal and com­mis­sio­ning

Do you have any ques­tions for us? A project to submit to us?
We will ans­wer you with inter­est and actively.